英文学科 カリキュラム

英文学科 カリキュラム




英文学科 卒業論文のテーマ


●The Difficulty of Understanding Others in The Sense of an Ending: How to Engage with People and Live a Rewarding Life(イギリス文学)
●Narrative Structure and Geography in John Okada’s No-No Boy and Jamie Ford’s Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet(アメリカ文学)
●Immigration Issues in Modern Britain Viewed through Paddington(イギリス文化研究)
●The Existence of Asian Ethnicity in the United States(アメリカ文化研究)
●Constructing Character Images in Film and Drama Translation: A Comparative Study of Japanese and English Versions(言語・英語研究)
●A Comparative Study of Possessive Verbs in English and Japanese: The Use of “Have” and “Motsu” by Native Speakers and Learners(英語教育)